Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

International climate cooperation in theory and practice: Taking stock and looking forward

Dr. Morten Bøås - Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

Advancing Reconciliation Diplomacy: Sri Lankan Perspective

15. Ulf Sverdrup, Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

Norwegian Arctic perspectives: A conversation with Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide

Opening of the Norwegian Foreign Policy Conference 2023, and an overview

Part 2: How are security and economy connected? (Norwegian Foreign Policy Conference 2023)

Norway and New Zealand - common challenges, common solutions?

Part 2: How has the war affected Norway as an energy nation and the attitude to energy in Europe?

Nordic Baltic Network launch Norwegian State Secretary of Foreign Affairs Audun Halvorsen's key note

Report launch: Asian Development Outlook 2014

WTO and the trade war: The end of peaceful conflict resolution?

PODCAST: Options for Arctic governance in difficult weather

European leadership in a time of crisis

PODCAST: Is this the end of academic freedom in Russia?

Covid-19 and Norwegian development policy

PREVEX project with Ulf Engel (Universität Leipzig)

Ocean Governance: Sustainability and security seen from Japan and Europe

Protection of critical infrastructure in Norway and the three Baltic states

Part 6: The Foreign Minister's reflections (Norwegian Foreign Policy Conference 2023)

Nordic Baltic Network launch - Halvard Buhaug's presentation

Part 5: Norway's position and opportunities (Norwegian Foreign Policy Conference 2023)

PREVEX project with Henrik Vigh

Influence Operations and Disinformation as Phenomena of World Affairs: What is the deal?